Forge Token Intro

Forge Token
1 min readMar 10, 2022

Forge Token is meant to be a token that uses a few mechanism to distribute its coin trustless and fairly.

Forge Token uses Proof of Work to distribute and run all distribution.

Using Proof of Work miners compete for answers. However; in Forge we give a larger reward the slower your solve is. Encouraging hashrate to go down rather than up! Also punishing large hashrate increases! 50% of Forge is distributed this way.

Another 25% of the Token is distributed to Forge / 0xBitcoin Liquidity Pool Stakers. This allows stakers to generate yield on their Forge!!

Another 25% of Forge is distributed via Auctions. Every ~5 days an auction of 8,192 Forge token takes place in exchange for 0xBitcoin Tokens. All bidders of auction are fairly and trustlessly distributed their tokens after the auction ends! The 0xBitcoin collected at Auctions go (66%) to miners and (33%) to stakers!

All contracts half their distributions every ~5 years to create a store of value aspect.

Along with this the contract can support 100s of ERC20 cryptos, meaning other tokens can be mined alongside Forge if sent to the contract, currently we are mining Kiwi! We plan to implement NFTs into the plan.

Our Staking contract can have up to 4 more cryptocurrencies added to it!

Expect a lot more posts in the future here

